Community Involvement
- Serving the City - providing savings
- Serving the community - CRMU involvement CRMU and its employees are very involved in the community. CRMU supports many local organizations and events ranging from installing the City's seasonal
- Serving the community - school district involvement
- Serving the community - employee involvement CRMU is very proud of how our employees are active and give back to our community. At CRMU, we have staff who are members of the local Lion's and Rotary clubs. We also have numerous employees who have donated their time as volunteer coaches to high school and youth athletic programs such as football, basketball and baseball. Our employees also take an active role in helping to support our local churches and other community organizations.
CRMU benefits the citizens of Coon Rapids by subsidizing and/or providing many utility services free of charge to local municipal facilities. In 2008, the value of these services saved the citizens of Coon Rapids over $150,000.
CRMU does many things to help the city, such as:
- Installing and maintaining all of Coon Rapids's street lights and holiday decorations.

- Providing subsidized office space and monthly billing services for the City of Coon Rapids.
- Providing the City's maintenance department equipment storage and utilities for free.
- Providing water to the family aquatic center for free.
- Providing a $350,000 low interest loan for city capital improvement to build the Sumpter bridge.

- $200,000 towards the rebuilding of main street curb/gutter/sidewalks
- Purchased 40 acres which was given to the City for a park
- $25,000 towards the construction of the family aquatic center
- $50,000 towards the Park View Assisted Living Complex, plus a $300,000 loan at 0% interest.
- $100,000 towards Community Attraction & Tourism (CAT) & Iowa Great Places projects.

CRMU has also taken an active role in supporting the local development group. Since its creation, in addition to CRMU's $7,500 annual contribution, CRMU also helped finance the CRDG's residential subdivisions by loaning more than $500,000 to create new housing opportunities in Coon Rapids.

When CRMU constructed its new hybrid fiber optic-coaxial communications network, we installed fiber optics into both the high school and elementary buildings. Today, the school district utilizes this fiber optic connection,

Over the years, CRMU has also contributed to various school capital improvement projects such as new playgrounds, new score boards, new locker rooms, and contributing $10,000 towards new baseball field lights. In 2015 CRMU gave $50,000 towards the CRB Foundation.