What is watchTVeverywhere and how does it work?
CRMU's watchTVeverywhere (WTVE) streams your favorite programming to your tablet, smartphone, laptop and other devices anywhere in the United States at anytime!
It's available anywhere you can receive an internet signal: inside your house or vacation home, at the office, in a hotel, in a shopping mall, at the airport, etc. CRMU's watchTVeverywhere is a service provided to all CRMU cable subscribers. The best part about CRMU's watchTVeverywhere is....it's FREE! - www.watchtveverywhere.com to sign up for your FREE account OR to begin watching TV now.
If you are a CRMU cable customer go to

CRMU's WTVE allows you to access all your favorite programming at any time from our participating cable TV networks - both previously aired episodes and live programming may be available depending on the network. You'll have to register your CRMU account to gain access, but the process is quick and easy. Just be sure to have your CRMU Localink account number and the account holder's last name handy (you can find this information on your Localink bill). Up to four passwords may be registered per account.
Where to get mobile apps?
Go to your device's app store and search by channel name for the app you want. For example go to Google Play for Android, Apple Store for iOS, Windows store for Windows devices and Amazon for Fire Tablets & Fire TV. Note: Some devices may not be supported by all networks.